
Valeri Tamarovski


On the zodiacal system of signs I am

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On the horoscope of Druids or gallic horoscope I borned under the sign of Hornbeam. Galls attached large significance to the forest and asserted that everybody, as well as tree, had the certain lines, dignities and failings.


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On a floral horoscope I borned under the sign of Dandelion. Time of influencing of this sign - from 3 to December, 12.


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On the Japanese horoscope I am sign - Т igra. The Japanese horoscope almost coincides with Chinese.




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On the horoscope of ancient А ryev I borned in the year of Cock.


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On a mythological horoscope I am Mynotavr. Consider a mythological horoscope a shadow horoscope, I exposes hidden, usually negative sides of man borns under a certain sign ,.

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On the Chinese horoscope I borned in the year of Т igra. It is a warrior, sensible, emotional, but also capable on the deep reflections olor sit amet.


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